
The three different account types are Normal, AssetIssue, and Contract. An Account contains 7 parameters:

  1. account_name: the name for this account – e.g. BillsAccount.

  2. type: what type of this account is – e.g. 0 (stands for type ‘Normal’).

  3. balance: balance of this account – e.g. 4213312.

  4. vote: received votes on this account – e.g. {(“0x1b7w…9xj3”,323), (“0x8djq…j12m”,88),…,(“0x82nd…mx6i”,10001)}.

  5. asset: other assets expected LGCY in this account – e.g. {, }.

  6. latest_operation_time: the latest operation time of this account.

Protobuf data structure:

message Account {

message Vote {

bytes vote_address = 1;

int64 vote_count = 2;


bytes accout_name = 1;

AccountType type = 2;

bytes address = 3;

int64 balance = 4;

repeated Vote votes = 5;

map<string, int64> asset = 6;

int64 latest_operation_time = 10;


enum AccountType {

Normal = 0;

AssetIssue = 1;

Contract = 2;



A block typically contains a block header and several transactions.

Protobuf data structure:

message Block {

BlockHeader block_header = 1;

repeated Transaction transactions = 2;



A block header contains raw_data, witness_signature, and blockID.

Protobuf data structure:

message BlockHeader {

message raw {

int64 timestamp = 1;

bytes txTrieRoot = 2;

bytes parentHash = 3;

uint64 number = 4;

uint64 version = 5;

bytes witness_address = 6;


bytes witness_signature = 2;

bytes blockID = 3;


Raw Data

Raw data is denoted as raw_data in Protobuf. It contains the raw data of a message, containing 6 parameters:

  1. timestamp: timestamp of this message – e.g. 1543884429000.

  2. txTrieRoot: the Merkle Tree’s Root – e.g. 7dacsa…3ed.

  3. parentHash: the hash of the last block – e.g. 7dacsa…3ed.

  4. number: the block height – e.g. 4638708.

  5. version: reserved – e.g. 5.

  6. witness_address: the address of the witness packed in this block – e.g. 41928c…4d21


Witness signature is denoted as witness_signature in Protobuf, which is the signature for this block header from the witness node.


Block ID is denoted as blockID in Protobuf. It contains the atomic identification of a block. A Block ID contains 2 parameters:

  1. hash: the hash of block.

  2. number: the hash and height of the block.

Last updated